What’s in Your Bathtub?


Did you know that today is National Bubble Bath Day?

There are many products you can use in your bathtub to create a lavish bubbly soak. 

As a mom, I definitely enjoy the pampered feeling of relaxing in a tub.

But a child’s view of taking a bath is often a completely different story.

If your kids aren’t thrilled with bath-time and don’t want to stay in long enough to get clean, here’s a great recipe for bubble blowing liquid from my book that you can make in a jiffy.  When your children take a bath, give them a plastic container of the bubble stuff with a wand to blow the bubbles with and you will probably have to pry them from the tub, fingers all wrinkly, because they won’t ever want to get out.


Homemade Bubble-Blowing Magic

You will need: ¼ cup baby shampoo, 1 cup water, plastic container with a lid and a pipe cleaner.

1.    Gently mix baby shampoo and water in the container.

2.    Bend one end of the pipe cleaner to form a loop…small loop – small bubbles…big loop – big bubbles.

3.    Dip the loop in the mixture, remove carefully and blow gently through the loop.

Lots of other bloggers are writing about National Bubble Bath Day.

Vera at Lady and the Blog

Kailybaby at HairDare

Chrissy at IndieBizChics

Michelle at Studio 5

The Daily Sip by Bottlenotes

Kristy, Seattle Holidays Examiner

Have a Happy National Bubble Bath Day!

Don’t forget about the 2012 Positive Parental Participation Challenge…snuggling up with your little one after the bath is a perfect time to read a favorite picture book story.  Susannah Leonard Hill’s Blog is a great place to find the right title.  Or you could grab a copy of Show Me How and get 100 classic picture book summaries and lots of quick and easy activities.

6 thoughts on “What’s in Your Bathtub?

    • I’m truly honored, Jackie. 🙂
      I thank you so much for stopping by…and I really appreciate your kind words. I left you a comment, asking if my titles should be less random amd more focused…like The 365 Project: Bubble-Blowing Recipe or something like that. 🙂


    • We took my grandson to the Boston Children’s Museum two years ago and they had a room with different types of water play…and a machine that makes bubbles so big the child can actually be inside of it…amazing!


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